Short Notes.
  • Administration and other developments :  Judicial system was far more developed than earlier times. For the first time, civil and criminal laws were clearly demarcated.  The most important officer was Kumaramatyas. The empire was divided into divisions-bhuktis and each bhukti was placed under the charge of Uparika. The bhuktis were further divided into districts- vishyas, placed under vishyapati.  Since much of the imperial administration was managed by fuedatories and beneficiaries, the Gupta rulers did not require as many official as the Mauryas did.  Buddhism no longer received royal patronage in the Gupta period.  The silver coins issued by them were called Rupaka.
  • Literature :  Mrichchhakatika, or the Little Clay Cart by Shudraka;  Kalidas' works; Amarakosha by Amarasimha( a luminary in the court of Chandragupta II). 
  • Important Rulers

  •  Earliest known king of the empire.
  • Chinese Buddhist monk, Yijing, mentions him as Che-li-ki-to, probably translation of Shri Gupta.
  • Ghatokacha ruled after him.
Chandragupta I(319- 335) 
  • Established the Gupta Samvat.
  • Napoleon of India.
  • Also known as Prithvi Pratham Veer. 
  • Bhitari Pillar inscription describes the war between Samudragupta and Huns.
  • Assumed the title of Parakramank.
Chandragupta II Vikramaditya.(380-413)
  • Nine gems/ Navratna of his court were - Kalidas, Dhanvantari, Varahamihira(Astronomer), Amar Singh(Lexicographer), Shanku(architect), Kahapanaka( Astrologer), Vararuchi(Grammarian), Vetal Bhataa(Magician), Ghatkarpar(Diplomat).
  • Faxian/Fa Hein visited his court in 405 -411 AD. He wrote his book on account of travelling in India named Sei-Ya-Kei. 
  • Was the first Gupta ruler to assume the title of Param Bhagvata.
  • Known as Saka Conqueror. 
Kumaragupta I --> Skandagupta
  • Kumaragupta I is said to have founded Nalanda.  Taxila is located between Indus and Jhelum. 
  • Skandgupta assumed the title of Karamaditya.

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